Energy Professionals
Thank you for your interest in joining the EEA.
As much as the industry has changed, so has consumer behavior. There is access to more information than ever before and your customers and prospects are doing more research than ever before. In today’s world, reviews are critical and bring results, and you need to take advantage of it. What better place to see your reviews than the EEA directory? We also will have suppliers, manufacturers, and service people there as well to make life easier and your business more profitable. Not to mention access to our classified section where you can sell and find equipment, procure employees, and find information on new products and laws to keep you informed.
We are a membership-driven organization. We do our best to keep membership costs low and ask that you provide first-year memberships to your employees and customers. We provide a number of memberships for you to give out. Because the more members we have, the more influence we have, the better we can serve you, and the brighter our future.
This organization was started by a solar installer and repairman with 40 years experience for professionals like you. I was around before grid-tie systems first became legal, and something’s wrong when we’re still fighting to get proper laws and compensation for clean energy. By joining the EEA you will have a voice in the laws that effect us all and your livelihood.
- These benefits and level of membership are reserved for installers and professionals only.
- Please take a minute to fill out the form below, send it in, and we will get back to you soon.